Councillor Shawn Menard’s office will be hosting a public consultation on the western section of the Alta Vista Transportation Corridor (AVTC), online over Zoom. The consultation will be held on Wednesday January 29 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. Later this year, we expect the city to consider the future of the AVTC as part of the renewal of our Transportation Master Plan. If you want to learn more and make your voice heard, please consider attending. A Zoom link will be sent you upon registration.
The AVTC is a proposed four-lane freeway running northwest from Walkley Avenue near Conroy Road in Alta Vista to the Nicholas on-ramp in Old Ottawa East. The AVTC would run through the well-used green space beside Springhurst Park between the Rideau River and Lees Avenue, sometimes referred to as the People’s Park. You can read more at Councillor Menard’s website.