The Riverview Park Community Association has three main committees (Parks, Recreation and Environment, Planning & Development, and Communications).

Below you will find more details about the roles and responsibilities of each committee. If you are interested in joining one of the committees, please contact the committee chair, as noted.

Parks, Recreation and Environment Committee

Chair – Vacant
The purpose of the Parks, Recreation and Environment Committee is to foster greater care and awareness of the community by the residents and businesses by:

Planning and Development Committee

Chair – Kris Nanda
The RPCA Planning and Development Committee meets regularly to discuss community development and intensification issues, traffic levels and congestion, cycling and pedestrian access and city-wide environmental issues.  The committee also liaises with other community associations on issues of common interest.

Communications Committee

Chair – Heather Dunlop
The RPCA Communications Committee is responsible to the RPCA Board of Directors for the dissemination of information to residents of the Riverview Park community using all available means such as the RPCA website, emails, pamphlets, posters and Riverviews newspaper. The committee should, when ever possible, seek corporate and municipal sponsorship to aid in this mission.