Image of a planning and development public notice sign
Development proposal sign

The RPCA Planning and Development Committee meets regularly to discuss community development and intensification issues, traffic levels and congestion, cycling and pedestrian access and city-wide environmental issues.  The committee also liaises with other community associations and our City Councillor on issues of common interest.

Planning Documents: Official Plan, Transportation Master Plan, and Secondary Plans

The City of Ottawa’s new Official Plan covering the period until 2046 was approved by Ottawa City Council on October 27, 2021. The province of Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing approved the plan with amendments on November 4, 2022. The next phase of planning will see consultations on the Transportation Master Plan and Secondary Plan, expected to begin in 2023. 

Transportation Master Plan

In December 2021, the City launched consultation on Transportation Master (TMP). It is intended to guide transportation decisions and networks to 2046. The previous consultation on Part 1 of the TMP vision and guiding principals, was completed in August 2022.

The Part 2 of the TMP focuses on the Capital Infrastructure Plan and on specific projects.  It relies on updated travel information from the Origin-Destination (OD) Travel Survey. Part 2 of the TMP is currently scheduled to be completed in Fall 2024.  For more information and to provide your input on the TMP go to:

The RPCA Board plans to reiterate transportation concerns raised in the OP consultations, including support for 15-minute neighbourhood concept (with increased walkability) and continued improvement of active transportation infrastructure. The Board will continue to call to remove the remaining links of the Alta Vista Transportation Corridor (from Conroy to the Hospital Link and from the Link across the Rideau River to Nicholas Street) and for implementation of planning principles consistent with Council’s 2019 decision to recognize a Climate Emergency.

Transportation Projects (scroll down for Active Transportation projects)

Alta Vista Transportation Corridor (AVTC) Expansion

The RPCA and several other community organizations continue to oppose retention of the remaining links of the AVTC in the Official Plan on several reasons, including concerns they would only encourage additional vehicle traffic and increased Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions.  Riverview Park’s two councillors have taken opposing positions on whether the AVTC should remain in the Official Plan.  While Councillor Menard has been actively pushing to remove the AVTC from the OP, Councillor Cloutier has maintained that it should be kept in the Official Plan and the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) and that any comments on the Corridor should be provided in the context of reviewing the TMP (due to be finalized in 2023).

Tremblay Multi-Use Connection (Tremblay Road to Terminal Avenue)

The City of Ottawa has initiated the Tremblay Multi-Use Connection (Terminal Avenue to Tremblay LRT
Station) Environmental Assessment (EA) Study. This EA study will investigate options for grade-
separated active transportation (pedestrian and cycling) infrastructure to cross the VIA Rail train tracks
and connect to Terminal Avenue. The Study Area is illustrated in the key map.

The study will evaluate below-grade (tunnel) and above-grade (bridge) multi-use crossing
alternatives and alignments and will result in a functional design. This crossing will improve
connectivity between lands north and south of the VIA Rail train tracks, increase access to the
Tremblay LRT rapid transit station and the VIA Rail inter-city train station, and form an
important link in the overall city active transportation network. The multi-use connection will also improve travel between existing communities and support potential development lands north and south of Highway 417 in line with the City’s planning designations in the area.

For more information, a website for the study has been established: (English) (Français)
Public consultation materials and opportunities to provide feedback will be advertised and updated on the study’s website. Prior to finalizing the EA study, a Project File Report will be available to the public for 30 calendar days. Comments can be provided throughout the EA study which is expected to be completed by December 2024. Any comments received will be collected under the Environmental Assessment Act and, with the exception of personal information, will become part of the public record.

To provide comments or to receive notification of consultation opportunities, please contact:
Angela Taylor, P.Eng. Senior Project Manager
Transportation Environmental Assessments Branch
Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development Department, City of Ottawa
110 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa ON K1P 1J1
Tel: 613-580-2424 ext. 15210

Residential Projects

Information about projects planned for your neighbourhood can be found in the City of Ottawa Development Applications at: This is a searchable app, filterable by city ward, street, application number, etc. You can also contact the File Lead listed for each application in the Dev Apps website. Marty Carr, Ward Councillor for Alta Vista, can also be contacted.

The Land Use Planning Discussion document created in relation to the development at Elmvale Acres shopping mall is also useful for general planning background information.

Proposed High-Rise Apartment Complexes on St. Laurent Boulevard, south of Industrial Ave 355 and 374 Everest Private (across from Perley Health Centre) 

Artist's image of proposed 355 Everest from approved site plan
Two proposed 8-storey apartment buildings
image of the approved site plan for 355 and 374 Everest showing one 'C' shaped building and one rectangular building across the street from one another.
Site plan for the Everest Private project

In 2019, an application was submitted to erect two eight-storey apartment buildings at 355 and 374 Everest Private (between Russell Road and St. Laurent Blvd.) which would add another 293 units and 354 parking spaces to the existing complex. Concerns were raised by the RCPA and others about greater congestion on Russell Road and insufficient pedestrian crossings. The site plans for 355 Everest and 374 Everest were approved in February 2022. No further information is available on the proposed construction timeframe.

Proposed mixed-used high-rise development at 1740, 1754, and 1760 St. Laurent Blvd

Image of the proposed redevelopment site plan for 1740, 1754 and 1760 St. Laurent Blvd.
Image of the proposed redevelopment site plan for 1740, 1754 and 1760 St. Laurent Blvd.

The City of Ottawa has received an application for a new mixed-use development consisting of four 12-15 storey buildings approximately 100 metres south of Industrial Avenue on the west side of St. Laurent Blvd. The parcel is directly east of the Everest Private development (across Russell Road from the Perley-Rideau Health Centre) discussed above. Under the proposal, the Everest Private road would be extended east to St. Laurent and include a new signalized intersection. This development would replace the Petro Canada, the St. Hubert and the 168 Sushi restaurant. Further details can be found in the City of Ottawa Development App.

Concerns have been raised about the height of the proposed high-rises and the traffic impacts of nearly 1000 additional vehicles (based on the total number of new parking spaces envisioned for the Everest Private and St. Laurent complexes), plus the proximity of a planned traffic signal at the intersection of Everest and St. Laurent to the intersection of St. Laurent and Industrial Avenue/Innes Road. The initial public comment period closed in late December and a public consultation will be held. 

Proposed high-rise development at 1802-1804 St. Laurent Blvd – east side

Image of two proposed high-rises at 1802 and 1804 St. Laurent Blvd.

A zoning by-law application was submitted Dec 10, 2021 for 1802-1804 St. Laurent – the current site of a Tim Hortons and Burger King.  Application # D02-02-21-0153 at this time is only for a rezoning (no site plan yet) and would permit two high-rise apartment buildings (20- and 25-storeys with underground parking, some surface parking and at-grade amenity space). 

Taken together with the new residential developments at Elmvale shopping mall and a recent proposal to construct two high rise apartment buildings (27 storeys and 18 storeys) at the corner of St. Laurent and Pleasant Park Road (2025 Othello), the RPCA has submitted concerns to the City about the overall impact on traffic congestion on neighbouring roads, the need for more community and recreational amenities, and questions about adequacy of public transit services for the increased population. 

Proposed high-rise development 1971 & 1975 St. Laurent of 3 residential towers

Application #D07-12-22-0044 This proposed development is for a triangular parcel of land across from the Elmvale Acres plaza at the intersection of St. Laurent and Russell Road.

The three 17-storey residential use buildings would have at-grade residential and amenity space and public park space all fronting on St. Laurent Blvd. Parking is provided at-grade and within a proposed new multi-level above ground parking garage.

New residential complex (700 Coronation Boulevard) 

Application # D07-12-20-0152

This site plant control application was submitted November 13, 2020 for construction of a 4-storey, 35-unit residential building to the west of the existing apartment building at 700 Coronation Blvd.  The development would consist of studio, one and two bedroom units. It would also include an underground parking garage with 41 spaces, 7 at-grade parking spaces and 34 bicycle parking spaces – all for use by new and existing residents. 

Concerns have been raised about proximity of the new building to the rear lot line and privacy.  There was discussion about retaining more trees along the western boundary of the property near Botsford and building a higher fence. 

Condominium Conversion for 1489 Weyburn (Between Coronation and Chadburn) 

Byron Rental Properties has received approval from the City in Fall 2020 to convert the existing 10 building apartment complex at 1489 Weyburn into 10 separate vacant land condominium units. The proposal would see condominium contain the six apartment units that currently exist in it, and individual apartment units could not be sold individually. No construction or changes to the existing property is being contemplated at this time. 

Trainyards high-rise Residential Development (Steamline Street) 

Application # D07-12-18-0004

The construction date for the first phase of a high-rise rental apartment complex along Steamline Street, across from the Post Office building on Sanford Fleming, is still on hold.  This project features two 20-storey buildings and 400 units. However, the developer Controlex recently advised that the project is still with the City Planning Department awaiting final approval. Discussions are continuing regarding the greenspace/ mini-park details for the site. 

Proposed ‘mixed-use community hub’ near Via Rail and Tremblay LRT Stations.  

The comment period has closed on the mixed-use project announced in 2020 for a five acre industrial site off Tremblay Road, directly just east of the Via Rail terminal and approximately 250 metres from the Tremblay LRT station. The plan calls for the 1.98 hectare parcel site at 25 Pickering Place (also known as 1330 Avenue K) to be developed into a “mixed-use, high-density community hub” with new public and private streets that will include rental apartment high-rises, retail space, parkland and possibly a hotel. 

The proposal is in keeping with Transit Oriented Development (TOD) given its density and proximity to the LRT.  While located north of the VIA tracks and outside the Riverview Park boundaries, RPCA Board representatives provided comments on the proposal.  They noted that the complex and its TOD implications could give further impetus for the City to appropriately leverage construction of the proposed pedestrian overpass across the Via tracks, between Tremblay LRT and the Trainyards. 

Federal Complex and Proposed Residential Development at 530/599 Tremblay Road

In Spring 2020, Public Services and Procurement Canada put out the call for qualified bidders to submit proposals to redevelop part of its 26-acre property on Tremblay Rd, just west of St. Laurent Blvd and directly south of the St. Laurent Shopping Centre and Highway 417. The proposed project would include a 1.6-million-square-foot office complex that would house approximately 8000 federal employees along with some residential units, parks and shops. The municipal comment period is currently in progress  

Proposed High-Rises at Bank and Riverside

In Fall 2020, the City received a request for an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-Law Amendment for 1335 and 1339 Bank Street. The two properties are located on the east side of Bank Street at Riverside Drive, which were previously occupied by an auto repair shop, and Harvey’s fast-food restaurant.  The proposed amendments would permit he development of a 26-storey (86 metre) high mixed-use building, which may include residential units, limited service hotel units, and ground floor retail. The proposal also includes 172 vehicle parking spaces and 269 bicycle parking spaces. Concerns have been raised about the traffic dynamics of integrating the traffic flow of these vehicles with an already busy intersection.    

An application for an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-Law Amendment was also recently received for a separate high-rise development immediately across the street, at 1330-1346 Bank Street/2211 Riverside Drive. The applicant is seeking permission for the future development of a 31-storey mixed use building as well as a 34-storey high-rise apartment dwelling. Parking is to be located primarily below grade and a parkette is proposed near the Bank Street and Riverside Drive North intersection. A Site Plan Control application has not yet been submitted and the design details remain conceptual in nature.  The target date is May 13, 2021 for the City’s Planning Committee to consider the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications for this site.

There will be a second consultation on the proposed two-tower development for the Southwest corner of the intersection of Bank Street and Riverside Drive on Tuesday January 25. Community members will be presented with the changes made to the proposal since the last consultation and will be given an opportunity to provide further feedback.

The applicant has reduced proposed heights after initial feedback. Other modifications have been made to the proposal, but there is still more to be desired here. If you can’t make the meeting, you can watch it on the Capital Ward YouTube channel.

Commercial Projects

Trainyards Developments/Industrial Avenue Issues 

In late November 2020, the new, larger Farm Boy Store opened, at the far northeast of the Trainyards Parcel backing onto Belfast Road. RPCA Board representatives had emphasized the need for better pedestrian and cyclist connectivity through the Train Yards so customers could safely walk or cycle instead of driving. 

Concerns have been raised about the lack of a direct exit onto Belfast Road and the increase in traffic congestion that has resulted near the exit by Bulk Barn, as well as the need for better signed crosswalks.   The property management has indicated that they would be making some modifications to access routes to relieve congestion.

Elmvale Acres Shopping Centre Redevelopment

Image of the site plan for the redevelopment of Elmvale Acres Shopping Centre.

RioCan. is redeveloping the property at Elmvale Acres Shopping Centre located at 1910 St. Laurent Boulevard. Phase one construction of a new rental residential building at the corner of Smyth and Othello is nearing completion. It is expected to open for occupancy in spring 2022.

Elmvale Acres Shopping Centre is an integral part of our community and will remain open to the public for the entirety of the construction period. RioCan has pledged that they will continue to work closely with the tenants for all construction coordination to ensure minimal disruption to both the shopping centre tenants and its visitors.

Phase 1 development will include the following roadway changes on Othello, between Hamlet and Smyth:

The Loblaws will be closing late February 2022 for conversion to an Independent Grocery store. Reopening expected in March 2022.

Details of the full scope of the redevelopment are available in the Elmvale Acres secondary plan

529 Tremblay Complex

As part of the redevelopment complex for 529 Tremblay Road, the Canada Lands Corporation (CLC) has applied for permission to temporarily close Tremblay Road near the intersection with and St. Laurent Blvd will be closed temporarily to install services and make adjustments to that intersection. No details on exact timing are available.

Walkley and Conroy Fulfillment Centre

The RPCA and others had voiced concerns about the traffic implications of the proposal to build a new Amazon-style “fulfillment centre” (3 warehouse buildings) at the Southeast corner of Walkley Road and Conroy Road, on the site of the former JDS Uniphase / Goodlife fitness building.  There were also questions about inconsistencies with the City’s efforts to reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and its impact on the Alta Vista ward. In early November 2021, the City’s Planning Committee approved the proposal by a 7-3 vote (Councillors Cloutier and Menard voted against the project).

National Aquatics Centre

Media reports indicate that design work is underway for a National Aquatics Centre to be built on NCC land near the Hurdman Transit Station. The organization has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the National Capital Commission regarding the 29 acre parcel of land between the station and the Rideau River. No lease agreement has yet been signed for the land and the project is working through the planning process. Funding has not yet been secured for this project.

Active Transportation projects

Cycling – Smyth Road Cycling Safety Improvements Project 

Image of the cycling infrastructure improvements planned for the Smyth and Riverside area.

The City is undertaking the design work for cycling improvements at Smyth Road and Riverside Drive. The design was completed in Summer 2021 and construction was tentatively scheduled to start this Summer, it has been delayed to a summer 2022 completion. The proposed work includes cycling facilities along Smyth Road from Riverside Drive to the Ottawa Hospital Riverside Campus, including modifications to the Riverside Drive on/off ramps at Smyth Road, improvements at the Smyth Road and Ottawa Hospital Riverside Campus intersection and improvements at the southern end of Frobisher Lane to Smyth Road.

Terminal Ave/Via Station pedestrian/cycling overpass project

The RPCA continues to advocate for construction of an overpass between Terminal Avenue and the Via Station. This project would help provide an active transportation route between the refurbished Train Station (and LRT) and the Trainyards Office and Retail Complex.  It would also fill in the missing pedestrian/cyclist gap between Alta Vista and the northern side of Hwy 417 (e.g. Coventry Road, Baseball Stadium, and St. Laurent businesses) and is part of the City of Ottawa’s long-term Cycling and Pedestrian Plan network.  The Board passed motions calling for inclusion of $1.5 million in the next City budget for an environmental assessment – and that the project be considered as a candidate for funding under the federal government’s Active Transportation Infrastructure fund. The project has been included in the 2022 draft city budget. It was approved in February 2022 at the Transportation Committee to hire a consultant to study potential options.

Place Lycée and Frobisher Lane Resurfacing

The work for 2022 on Lycée and Frobisher involves milling the existing asphalt pavement and resurfacing with new pavement. Crews will review damaged sidewalk panels that pose a safety or mobility issue and will replace the concrete where needed. This should be completed during July and August. 

Further project proposal details

Information on some project proposals can be found at the City of Ottawa website. The RPCA welcomes your input on these proposals and any other potential developments in the area. 

Development charges  

New members & volunteers needed

We are currently seeking new members for the committee. If you want to help make Riverview Park a better place to live by influencing development, please contact